Wrap Around Care is a childcare program that follows the K-12 school calendar and takes place during the K-12 school day, 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. If you need care on any days outside the K-12 school calendar or before and/or after the regular school day, your child must be registered for Kid Connection.
Care on non-preschool days, when K-12 is in session:
Care for the week of September 3 - 6, when Preschool is not in session will be 8:00 am - 3:00 pm. Please let Trish know if you will be needing care these days.
Non-Preschool Days: Sept. 27, Oct. 16, Nov. 27, Dec. 20, Jan. 17, Feb. 14, March 26, April 17 & May 16. Please keep in mind that these are 2-hour early releases following the K-12 school calendar. *Wrap Around Care is available from 8:00 am-1:00 pm on those days.
If you need care before or after Wrap Around/Preschool, or on days when K-12 is not in school, i.e., MEA, Christmas break, etc. you must register for Kid Connection. Please contact Trish Bushard if you have questions.